
Three Recommendations Relating to Federal Clearance of Foreign Investments in U.S. Businesses

Three Recommendations Relating to Federal Clearance of Foreign Investments in U.S. Businesses What do you mean, “CFIUS requires review under FIRRMA”?   (Our compliments to the federal government, that always manages to create indecipherable word salad.) Digesting the above:  the U.S. government wishes to limit or prevent certain foreign investments in U.S. businesses that implicate “national security”.

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Whistleblowers: Three Predictions (and One Solution)

Whistleblowers: Three Predictions (and One Solution) A “whistleblower” is an individual reporting suspected violations of ethics, policy or law.  Good companies use such reports to advance systemic improvements, mitigate risk, appropriately discipline violators, and – occasionally – appropriately prepare for prosecution.  Bad companies ignore good faith internal reports at their peril, and encourage whistleblowers to

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Contract Dispute? Four Situations Where You Really Need a Lawyer

Contract Dispute? Four Situations Where You Really Need a Lawyer Contracts are drafted for when things go wrong.  Typically, folks never look at their contracts until a problem arises.  When they do, certain contractual disputes may be solved amicably.  However, here are four types of contract disputes in which results are often better ensured with

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World Bank Group Sanctions Advocacy

World Bank Group Sanctions Advocacy If your business participates in World Bank projects (as a principal contractor or subcontractor/supplier)…know the risks!  Multilateral development banks such as the World Bank (collectively, the “World Bank Group”) provide financing and professional advising for the purpose of development.  (A list of these entities is found below.)  They can be

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Justice Dept: Six New Factors For Evaluating Corporate Compliance Programs

Justice Dept: Six New Factors For Evaluating Corporate Compliance Programs With the roar of a (mute) lion, on June 1 the US Department of Justice quietly issued updated guidance for prosecutors on assessing the effectiveness of corporate compliance programs.  How has the Criminal Division modified its thinking?  In at least six ways:  Individualized Assessment: Prosecutors

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Non-Disclosures and Non-Competes – The 5 Great Myths

Non-Disclosures and Non-Competes – The 5 Great Myths Non-disclosure and non-compete clauses seem to proliferate across all sectors of corporate America…and beyond.  What are they, and can they really be enforced? Myth:  Non-disclosures cannot be enforced. Non-disclosures most definitely can be enforced.  Typically, this type of provision will cover a variety of “confidential information”.  NDAs

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